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Hi, kids!  It's me, your old clown buddy WHIZZO! 

I was hoping you would stop by today and maybe watch some cartoons with me.

Our first one is a doozy!  It's 
all filled with gooey chocolate
and cute bunnies and stuff!


See!  What did
I tell you?

Well, if you liked that one, this will knock your socks off!


Okay, maybe you should put your socks back on for this next one! 
There's going to be all kinds of color slopping all around!  This could get MESSY!

Okay, now this next one is a crack up!

That's Humpty Dumpty ALL OVER! 
All the king's horses and nobody thought to bring a broom!

That kind of gets me to thinking about sweeping up

around here.  Everybody knows that cleanliness is next to impossible you know!  Now let me see where did I put my special Whizzo-tastic cleaner upper...


While I tidy things up around here you should watch this next cartoon.  It's about GABBY, and he's got some SPRING CLEANING to do!

GOODNESS!  Everything was looking pretty FIZZLESPRUNG there for awhile - Which is a good reason for SPRING CLEANING!  I mean, who likes dirty springs?  Not me!

Say, did I ever mention my friend Jeremiah?  He was a good friend of mine.  I never understood a single word he said - but he loved this next cartoon - and I think you will too!


Since a whole bunch of us are staying at home right now, well I'm glad that we can spend some time together.  You know staying at home can be more fun than a barrel full of monkeys - unless you happen to live in a barrel with a bunch of monkeys!


Oh, that PUDGY! What a scamp!
You know, he kind of reminds me of WHIZZO DOG.  I mean, he's cute and cuddly and fun to play with - and despite all that he still reminds me of Whizzo Dog!  I just can't explain it!


Hey!  I've got an idea!  How about we choose a cartoon that Whizzo Dog will like, huh?  I bet that'll do the trick!


Heavens to Betsy!  You don't see that every day, do you kids?!  I mean, if you are gonna have a goose around the place - That's the kind of goose to have!  I'm just saying, you don't want any old worthless freeloading goose that you find!  If somebody sneaks up behind you to give you a goose - You better be careful!


You clown kids sure know how to cheer up an old clown!  Yes, you do!  Being all cooped up can be pretty rough - What with no school and all of those kinds of things - but I don't mind it so much when we can watch these cartoons together!  It's almost like you are all here in Whizzo's Wonderland with me!
I know that some day soon we will get to play with all of our friends again and maybe go to the movies, or go get some french fries and soda pop - But until then, remember your clown buddy WHIZZO is here, and I'm thinking of you and all my fantastical clown kids!


Drop in and see me any time at all, and remember - a WHIZZO DAY is a HAPPY DAY!


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